
The holidays are here and that means holiday parties are right around the corner. Let’s all admit: holiday parties can be awkward, especially if you don’t like your coworkers, don’t know anyone, or maybe had too much fun the previous year. That’s not you though; you’re ready to enjoy the parties this year and maybe have a laugh or two.

If you’re a wallflower or not crazy about parties, here are a few tips to help you navigate the holiday party like a pro:

  • As Aaron Rodgers would say, r-e-l-a-x. This isn’t a job interview. If you’re feeling tense because of work stress, being around a group of strangers, or dressing up more than usual, just relax. If you’re nervous, notice how many other guys around the office are wearing suits that don’t fit them. You didn’t make that mistake though; your custom-fit suit looks and feels fantastic.
  • Speaking of being in the moment, keep your eyes up and on people instead of answering a text, checking scores, or sorting email. Even if you’re in the corner on your phone, it’s obvious you’d rather be spending time with people other than the ones at the party. Remember: screens down, eyes up.
  • Watch how much you fill your plate or glass. This isn’t so you don’t overeat or drink too much; it’s simply to avoid spilling on yourself. A half-full plate means you’re less likely to drip cocktail sauce on your new tie from Savile Row.
  • Smile more. It’s the holiday season. You’ll probably get a nice bonus check. You’ll eat amazing food and enjoy fantastic beverages of choice. You’re wearing a beautiful custom shirt that shows your recent time in the gym is paying dividends. Just thinking about those experiences should be enough to keep a semi-permanent smile on your face if you’re stuck at a painful holiday party. Whether you’re enjoying the party or not, people will be happier when they see you share a genuine smile.
  • Identify the most important people in the room and don’t ignore them. If it’s a holiday party with a host, make it a point to thank them for the invitation when you arrive and when you leave. A simple gesture of gratitude on either ends of your attendance can be priceless.
  • Be comfortable with what you wear. If you’re not used to wearing a tie, make sure it’s snug but still loose enough to slide your thumb between your collar and the tie. This will allow you to feel more comfortable. Wearing clothes tailor-made to your fit is an excellent way to guarantee your comfort.

If you want to make a ‘wow’ impression at your holiday party, invest in a custom-made suit from Savile Row. Get started with our complimentary resource called The Gentleman’s Measurement and Style Guide for your Next Custom Suit. Click the link to download.

Are you friends and family members asking you what you want for Christmas? The last thing you need is to unwrap some knitted sweater with a “standard size” cut that doesn’t flatter your build. Tell them you want a Savile Row gift certificate. Send them this link to purchase you a Savile Row gift certificate for this holiday season and be thankful you dodged “Let’s get him a sweater!” once and for all.