
LuxHub recently conducted a global survey of 600 higher-spending men in the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, United Arab Emirates, and France. The average survey respondent spent a minimum of $2,000 every year on fashion and luxury. The most telling statistic from LuxHub’s study was that 54 percent of the men said they increased their spending since 2014. (LuxHub, “10 things to know about the global surge in menswear”)

Many retailers, even some of our competitors, would simply accept this fact as a green light for more marketing. However, Savile Row is more curious about the motivator – why are these men spending more? Also, what are the determining factors behind their increased spending habits?

“Showing style and good taste” was the main motivator of the men making fashion or luxury purchases. Approximately 34 percent of the men surveyed said “Personal reward” as the second-highest ranked motivator for making luxury purchases. We agree – who doesn’t love making a good impression and rewarding yourself by buying a beautiful new suit? Are these the true motivators or are they a sign of a greater movement underway in the minds of men around the world?

The Menaissance Movement

What the LuxHub survey started to capture is the latest wave in a noteworthy trend: the Menaissance. The Menaissance movement actively rejects three stereotypes of men: the Metrosexual, the Dumb Dad, and the Man Boy. Brett McKay, founder of the popular The Art of Manliness website, shared an excellent presentation on the Menaissance movement here.

As McKay shared, the Retrosexual man doesn’t accept an archaic and flawed standard of manliness plagued by chauvinism, sexism, racism, or homophobia. Instead, he embraces a classic wardrobe, time-tested morals, and lifestyle patterns embodied by the greatest generation the world has ever known. Mickey Mantle, John Wayne, Teddy Roosevelt, and Winston Churchill are finding renewed popularity as iconic benchmarks for manliness.

This is why brands like Dollar Shave Club and The Art of Manliness are gaining traction with men in their mid-20s to late-30s. Our staff is seeing a growing trend of Generation X and Millennials frequenting our location. The Retrosexual Man is choosing to exchange a polo shirt and Old Navy slacks for custom-made suits around the workplace. The upgrade in wardrobe style is a testament to a younger generation investing in a fashionable future… and the results are catching the attention of retailers around the world. Join the Menaissance Movement and stop by or make an appointment at Savile Row today.